Students will be matched who wish to speak a second language.
Students who speak English as a first language and wish to speak another language will be matched with Students who speak the other language as a first language.
Speakers of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, German, Russian, Chinese, French, and others will be matched to Native English speakers who wish to practice their second language.
Full Name
Residence address
Email address
First Language as a Native Speaker
Second Language you wish to practice.
Male or Female
Education Level or Year in: (HS, College, University, BA. MA. PHD)
Major or Main interest in School
Type of Work and job description
Do you like sports, Hockey, football, baseball, basketball, other
Do you like Dance, Opera, Theatre, Art, other
Favorite Music, TV shows, Movies, Foods
Average Computer time per week?
Other activities or Hobbies or Interests
Best days and time to language exchange for 1 hour.
Additional questions will be asked at the initial interviews to determine suitability.
About Language Exchange Blog
Language Exchange Blog URL
Language Exchange Blog Feed
Language Exchange Blog Disclaimer
This blog uses original and reprintable submitions in whole or part. Posts can be edited for spelling, grammar, accuracy, fairness or to meet ever changing legal publishing standards. We rely on the accuracy of the submitions. This blog is not responsible for errors or omissions or any liability for any posts or any real, imagined or fabricated subsequent damages. For additional info: eslincanada (at) gmail (dot) -com-
Full Name
Residence address
Email address
First Language as a Native Speaker
Second Language you wish to practice.
Male or Female
Education Level or Year in: (HS, College, University, BA. MA. PHD)
Major or Main interest in School
Type of Work and job description
Do you like sports, Hockey, football, baseball, basketball, other
Do you like Dance, Opera, Theatre, Art, other
Favorite Music, TV shows, Movies, Foods
Average Computer time per week?
Other activities or Hobbies or Interests
Best days and time to language exchange for 1 hour.
Additional questions will be asked at the initial interviews to determine suitability.
About Language Exchange Blog
Language Exchange Blog URL
Language Exchange Blog Feed
Language Exchange Blog Disclaimer
This blog uses original and reprintable submitions in whole or part. Posts can be edited for spelling, grammar, accuracy, fairness or to meet ever changing legal publishing standards. We rely on the accuracy of the submitions. This blog is not responsible for errors or omissions or any liability for any posts or any real, imagined or fabricated subsequent damages. For additional info: eslincanada (at) gmail (dot) -com-
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